Wilds Row, Shoreham - Woodhart - Brighton & Sussex

Wilds Row, Shoreham

Projects / Wilds Row, Shoreham

Commercial Project

Project Overview

Project: Commercial construction project
Time frame: 13 months

Architect: Cityzen Design

Woodhart Group is pleased to introduce Wilds Row on behalf of Adur Council.

This project consists of five new sustainable council homes on the site of former garages for Adur citizens in need of homes. The cul-de-sac comprises four two-bedroom houses and one accessible bungalow. All the homes are warmed with air-source heat pumps making them energy efficient for the tenants. They also have gardens with water butts & EV charge points.

The name is a tribute to 19th-century architect Amon Henry Wilds. He designed Regency homes in Brighton but lived and died in Shoreham.

Contact us

We would love to speak to you and discuss your project. Contact our team on 01273539124.